
To incorporate pedestrians using the Simulated Pedestrian model into simulation, we introduce additional attribute tags. Simulated Pedestrians (SP) navigate using behaviour trees based on a .btree file specified by the btree tag. The agent type tag gs=pedestrian is still used for Simulated Pedestrians, but the sub-type tag btype=SP must also be included. The only path information required for SP agents is a destination node referenced by the destination tag. For example, if the destination node has the tag name=sp_dest then an SP agent can use it as a destination point by including destination=sp_dest in its attribute tags.

Simulated Pedestrian Node

<node id='-2' lat='43.4777' lon='-80.5197'>
    <tag k='gs' v='pedestrian' />
    <tag k='name' v='pedestrian_1' />
    <tag k='btype' v='SP' />
    <tag k='btree' v='walk.btree' />
    <tag k='destination' v='ped_1_dest' />
Destination Node

<node id='-3' lat='43.4782' lon='-80.5201'>
    <tag k='gs' v='location' />
    <tag k='name' v='ped_1_dest' />

Pedestrian attributes:

k v description
gs* pedestrian GS role key
name* string A name for the Agent
btype** string SP for Simulated Pedestrians, TP for speed profile based pedestrians
btree** string Relative reference to the SP agent's behaviour tree file
destination** string Name attribute of the SP agent's destination node
speed float (km/h) Pedestrian standard target speed
yaw int (deg) Pedestrian standard orientation
usespeedprofile bool (yes/no) If yes, when assigned to a path a pedestrian will follow the speed profile from the path. Otherwise, the pedestrian will follow the path with its standard target speed.
model string A reference to a pedestrian model to be used in simulation

** Required tags for SP agents in addition to the general required tags for all pedestrian agents