GeoScenario Architecture

Elements Overview

Elements with a role (i.e., with a gs key tag) are the main components of a GeoScenario. The following table shows a summary of all components supported in the latest version. Note that a component can be created with more than one element type (node, way or closed-way). The icons are not part of the language, but are used in this document as a reference to the GeoScenario Editor (custom JOSM)). Each component will be detailed in the next sections.

Icon GS Key Type Properties Description
globalconfig node unique, mandatory Global configuration for a scenario. Defines a name for a scenario, the road network, and global failure conditions.
origin node unique, optional Reference point in space (0,0) to align coordinates with different layers in simulation.
s metric node multiple, optional Metric. Defines a metric that needs to be tracked during the scenario.
egostart node unique, mandatory The Ego starting position at the beginning of a scenario.
egogoal node multiple, mandatory Goal position for Ego. Reaching this point is the standard success criterion for a scenario (alternative criteria is also possible using triggers). Optionally, can be defined as multiple points to be reached in sequence.
goal staticobject node, way, closed-way multiple, optional Static Objects used to define obstacles blocking the drivable surface or impairing sensor detection.
goal vehicle node multiple, optional Vehicles as Traffic Agents that can move during a scenario. Includes vehicles from all sizes and types (car, bicycle, truck, bus, etc)
goal pedestrian node multiple, optional Pedestrians as Traffic Agents that can move during a scenario.
goal path way multiple, optional Paths describing trajectories for both Pedestrians and Vehicles.
goal trajectory way multiple, optional Low-level trajectory based on location and time.
route node,way multiple, optional Route for vehicles running the SDV model. Can be goal (node) or a set of points to visit in order (way).
goal location node, way, closed-way multiple, optional Named location, used as a reference point for other elements within a scenario. For example, an area where a pedestrian will be placed.
goal trigger node multiple, optional Trigger used to orchestrate a scenario with actions for dynamic elements. A trigger can be executed by reaching its location, after a given time, or when a condition is true.
goal trafficlight node multiple, optional Traffic light states (the physical traffic light is defined as a stationary element and is part of the road network)
goal trafficlight,
node multiple, optional Traffic light states for pedestrians

The figure shows a meta-model of our main GeoScenario components in a Class Diagram notation from UML.


In the next sections we will describe how all those elements work and interact. A table with attributes for each element will be provided. The following symbols will be used:

[l]   // support lists 
[r]   // support range
[d]   // support distributions
*     // mandatory attribute (others are assumed to be optional)
(x)   // unit of measurement. If not provided, it follows GeoScenario standard units.